Spring Concert Review

The Spring Concert was a great success, with a great deal of variety in styles of music from Baroque to Rock and from Choirs to Ceilidh groups.The mid-concert change of venue from the Wintergardens for the acoustic music to the Hydro Hall, really helped the change in atmosphere for the two very different parts of the evening.Many thanks to Dave

Year 10 BTEC Dance Trip

Year 10 dance students enjoyed an end of term trip to the Theatre Royal, Newcastle to see a magical production of ‘Edward Scissorhands’ choreographed by Matthew Bourne, New Adventures. It was wonderful to see a large-scale dance theatre production of the bittersweet story of an incomplete boy left alone in a strange new world. The students were inspired by the

The Hustings

Sixth form students James A and Ben S have organised a Hustings event encouraging young people to get involved in politics ahead of the general election.  Meet and ask our parliamentary candidates your questions at QEHS on Friday 26th April 11:20am to 12:30pm. #Respect #Engage #Aspire

Hexham Wombles

Save the Date! The Hexham Wombles will be holding a litter pick around our school community on Saturday 18th May. It would be great to see lots of our students supporting them!

Bronze Industrial Cadet Awards

My school is an island!  Four year 9 students have achieved a bronze industrial cadet award.  The students had to imagine that the school was on an island and come up with ideas as to how the island could be self-sustainable.  They researched the viability of their ideas and built a model to showcase them.  They then had to write

Welcome Back

We hope you enjoyed the Easter break. Don’t forget about out Spring Concert on Wednesday, 7pm.  Showcasing the traditional ensembles which rehearse every week as part of the musical tapestry of school life, and close with some students performing in their own self-organised rock groups. Free attendance, just turn up, but there will be an opportunity to make a donations

Goodbye, Libby!

After over 20 years of service to Queen Elizabeth High School Libby Herbertson retired. Libby has been a stalwart of the school community working as a mentor in recent years but also contributing to the school as an LSA, and as Conference Coordinator in the Hotel Services Department. Libby’s care, kindness and compassion have had a transformational impact on the

QEHS Careers Summit

‘I was delighted to welcome everyone to QEHS on Friday 15th March. It was great to see so many business leaders, employers and employees willing to give up their time to help us to shape our future employer engagement strategy. At QEHS we are determined that every student should have a carefully considered career pathway to follow when they leave

QEHS Rowing News

JIRR (Junior Inter-Regional Regatta) – 16th March On March 16th, around 70 QE students from QEHSRC (65 competing, 5 sixth formers helping out) as well as a group of around 25-ish students from rival Hexham RC – as well as 2 rowers from Tyne United RC and one from Tyne Amateur RC –  travelled to Ashington to compete at the