All subjects, including enhancement subjects, have set some bridging work, which can be found below. The work will vary a lot from subject to subject as teachers have a blank canvas as to what they can set. The aim of the work is to be engaging and enjoyable. Please do the bridging work for the subjects you feel you will be eligible to study in September, plus any you are considering requesting to change to or or hoping that your final grades might make you eligible for. 

All tasks are on Moodle, and all instructions and resources are with each lesson:

Business Task 1

Innovation – watch the video, watch the PowerPoint and complete a worksheet.

Business Task 2

Entrepreneurs – watch PowerPoint and complete who’s who quiz.

Business Task 3

Enterprise Challenge – come up with an idea for a small business.

Business Task 4

Creativity and deliberate creativity – design a new product.

Business Task 5

Dynamic Nature of Business – plan a subscription business/complete Innocent timeline.

Business Task 6

Segmentation – watch PowerPoint and complete segmentation task.

Business Task 7

Branding – watch PowerPoint and complete shop front design task.

The bridging work for Chemistry can be found in the document below:

Classics Task 1

Research the Greek Olympian gods. There are many sources of information out there, but gives a good account most of their identities. The list of gods and personifications is almost endless, so look out for the main 14 or 15 gods.

(This religion was practised for thousands of years, so not all accounts agree on all gods!)

Classics Task 2

Research the myths surrounding the Trojan War. What caused it? Which two sides contended? How did it end?

Some of the names to look out for are: Menelaus, Helen, Agamemnon, Achilles, Odysseus. The last on this list is the focus of our reading in The Odyssey.

A possible starting point is:

Creative Digital Media Task 1

Watch the following YouTube clip on different cuts and transitions for moving images:

When you next watch a film/TV programme, see if you can identify the cuts and transitions used. Think about why the director may have chosen that technique; how does it enhance the overall scene?

Creative Digital Media Task 2

Watch the following YouTube clip on different camera movements:

When you next watch a film/TV programme, see if you can identify the camera movement. Think about why the director may have chosen that movement, how does it enhance the overall scene?

Creative Digital Media Task 3

Pick two different film / TV genres and make a list of the features you would conventionally expect to find, e.g. in a thriller you might get darkness and shadow used.  Then, watch a film or episode that you haven’t seen before of each genre that you listed.  How many of the features that you listed do they contain? Make a note of examples.

Product Design Task 1

Conduct some initial research into famous design movements and famous designers, e.g. Arts and crafts, Art Nouveau, Post Modernism, Bauhaus, Art Deco, Memphis, Streamlining.

Identify a design movement or famous designer that you like and produce a mood board.

The mood board should include lots of images and clearly show the style of your chosen design movement/famous designer. The mood board can be any size you like. It can be produced on a computer or be produced by hand – it’s up to you.

Find out the key principles of the design movement or designer that you have chosen to research. For example; A key principle of the Arts and Crafts design movement was that products should be handmade and show off the skill of the craftsmen and women that made them.

Try to identify as many key principles of the design movement that you can.

Product Design Task 2

Using the information that you have gathered, design and make a desk tidy based on your selected design movement.

You might want to sketch out some ideas first, based on the items you can find around the house to make with.

You can use whatever materials you have at home e.g. empty plastic bottles, cardboard, yogurt pots, cardboard tubes (think about the insides of toilet rolls/kitchen roll, kitchen foil). Think “Blue Peter” – you might have to ask your parents about what this is!

Quality control: Does your desk tidy look like a product that has been designed and made by your chosen design movement/designer?

Please try to complete both tasks before September.

English Literature Task 1

  • Read Wuthering Heightsby Emily Bronte. Please buy the Wordsworth Classics
  • The focus of your reading should be to try and analyse different types of love presented in the novel: jealousy, idealised love, destructive love etc.
  • Look carefully at the different relationships and attitudes towards love – for example, the love between Heathcliff and Catherine is different to that of Catherine and Edgar. Also, look carefully at Lockwood’s attitude to love and also look at the relationship between young Cathy and Linton and also Hareton.
  • As you read, make brief notes of what happens in the chapters – main events to remember and try to make a note of any chapters where there is a strong focus on love and relationships – e.g. chapter 9 is a key chapter.

English Literature Task 2

  • As above – read Othellowith the same focus. Please buy the Wordsworth Classics 
  • As with Othello, the focus of your reading should be to try and analyse different types of love presented in the novel: jealousy, idealised love, destructive love etc.
  • You will find the language difficult at first – that is to be expected. If you use the notes in your version – either at the back of the book or on each page (depending on your version) that will help translate the text for you.  If you are still struggling, and have access to online texts, there is a ‘No Fear’ Shakespeare online – click on ‘Othello’ and then click on each Act/scene and it translates it for you.  Your teacher will go through any misunderstandings when we return in September, so don’t worry if you stumble over a few areas of the text.
  • When you are reading – it should be like your approach to Wuthering Heights. The focus is love and relationships so look carefully at how the relationship between the following characters unravel: Othello and Desdemona, Othello and Iago, Desdemona and Brabantio, Desdemona and Cassio, Cassio and Bianca, Roderigo and Desdemona and Roderigo and Iago, Iago and Emilia.  What is similar between the relationships and what is different?
  • Try to think about how love and relationships are presented – for example, Act 3 scene 3 is a significant one.
  • Make brief notes on what happens in each scene – and as you go through, try to chart changes in character and relationships.
  • Try to think about how other themes are presented in the play, such as racial prejudice and control. Consider how ‘male’ the world is in the play, how women are presented. Also think about ideas such as how evil is presented?
  • There are several audiobooks for the play on Youtube- listening to the play read aloud will really help.
  • There will be tests in September to ensure you have read both texts.


Please read the EPQ FAQ

Choosing a topic

The aim is to choose a topic of investigation. You will not be allowed to investigate something which is a unit of one your A-level courses, so investigating more than one topic is probably wise. to help you identify topics, please complete the Identify a topic document and save this, as it can be used as EPQ project evidence.

At first you should look at a range of topics, and only settle on one by October, when you know there is enough research.

Carrying out research

Varied and relevant research is the key to a successful EPQ. Once you have identified some topics, start to read around the topic, and consider whether primary research could be useful.

Each time you read something about your EPQ topic, whether it will be used or not, record it in a sources log/research log. The easiest way to do this is to make a table which includes the following information:

  • Title (full title)
  • Author (there may be more than one, or this may be unknown)
  • Date of publication (if known) or Date accessed (if no publication date)
  • Publisher (name of the organisation or publishing house)
  • Web address (if relevant)
  • Relevant sections/information (this will save you reading the entire thing again)
  • Usefulness (How will this be used in your project)
  • Validity (Is the source/author/organisation/date valid, unbiased fact checked?)

Organising your project

To find out more about the EPQ, please check out the free Future Learn MOOC course, as a way to start thinking about the type of project you may be interested in pursuing and how to manage it.

You can also develop your understanding of study skills by looking at how to carry out research, analyse sources of information and avoid plagiarism by checking out some of the activities provided by Newcastle University:                                 

If you have not opted for EPQ in Year 12, you won’t be able to complete one at QEHS at a later date.

The bridging work for Fine Art can be found in the document below:

The QEHS Pinterest page has two boards for you that link to your natural forms bridging project.

For ideas and techniques in ways to create artwork, check out this page from the Tate Gallery. Some great FREE workshops which show you how to paint, draw, collage, sculpt inspired by the work of other artists…

The bridging work for Geography can be found in the document below:

Welcome to the Graphics bridging work.

If you have started work in school already, please continue the project at home and aim to make a final piece using the document for instructions:

If you have not done the graphics course in Year 11 or if you are stuck because of software issues then please see the non digital tasks:

In all cases please enjoy looking through our pinterest account:

and our YouTube channel – this has lots of useful videos to help you make progress using online and other software and very good introductions to the graphics course:

Suggested Resources

Recommended book –

Only buy this student textbook if you would like to – it is not a compulsory element of the course. Please look around to see if you can get it any cheaper on eBay, Amazon etc.

Note – Do not purchase Student Textbook 2 – this is a different set of units that we do not study as part of our course

YouTube is also a really good resource to look at theories/topics – make sure you type in the topic area and ‘Human Lifespan Development’ or ‘BTEC Health & Social Care’ after so that it doesn’t overcomplicate things!

All details of the tasks below are outlined on the sheets that are located on Moodle.

Task 1

The Task 1 sheet focuses on human lifespan development. Download the worksheet here.

Task 2

The Task 2 sheet and PowerPoint that looks at physical development – fine motor skills. You can download the sheet here

HSLA Task 1

Identify the characteristics of a strong leader

I would like you to try and access the following films and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the leaders.

The following films/series I would like you to watch are:

  • Remember the Titans
  • Coach Carter
  • The Last Dance – Michael Jordan Documentary

HSLA Task 2

Community Coaching Hours

During the course you must complete a minimum of 10 hours of leadership within the community.

You must try to identify where you would be able to complete these hours within the community over the next academic year when you return to school, I am aware that this may be impacted by corona virus, but I need you identify opportunities in which you could complete these leadership hours. This could include community clubs such as football, netball, rugby, hockey, horse riding, etc. The coaching can either be a group or on a 1 to 1 basis.

It is vital that you have identified somewhere to complete these community coaching hours when you return to school.

Please note: you are just identifying somewhere to complete these hours, I don’t expect you to have carried out any of your coaching hours prior to the course.

All the instructions, tasks and resources for History can be found in the document below:

IT Task 1

Social Media – take some time to really think about how you use social media.  

  • What content do you stop and read? 
  • What content do you skip straight past?
  • What do businesses do to try and attract you?

IT Task 2

Watch Captain America: Winter Soldier (or watch “Sitwell’s Confession” extract on YouTube). 

What is the link between this film (mainly the “confession”) and the real world, in terms of “data”?

IT Task 3

Research three IT/computing jobs you would consider doing.

What would you need to do to apply for them (uni courses, other training etc.)?

IT Task 4

Spec a PC to build yourself (don’t buy it and build it, unless you really want to!)

  • Limit yourself to £500
  • Justify each part you buy
  • Avoid PC World type sites. You should be looking at individual parts (like the motherboard, CPU…)

Try a site such as

IT Task 5

Watch Now You See Me – especially the part of the airplane.

What is the link between this, and phishing emails?

IT Task 6

Watch some TED talks:

IT Task 7

Register on FutureLearn – and find a course that interests you. 

Sign up and complete it.

(There is a paid account that gets you a certificate at the end, or the free version lets you do the learning.)

IT Task 8

Search MOOCs –

Find a course that interests you and complete it.

IT Task 9

Improve your typing.  Various websites can help, and several paid-for software options.

We have used in school

IT Task 10

Sign up and complete the bronze (and maybe silver) award.

IT Task 11

Write/update your CV (think about the jobs you have already looked at)

  • What is missing?
  • Do something about it

IT Task 12

Teach yourself a programming language:

  • Lots of tutorial online
  • Websites like Codecademy

IT Task 13

Watch DEVS series (on iPlayer – 8 episodes, all less than 60 mins)

Should society be happy to share our data?

IT Task 14

Visit and click on START JUDGING (once you have read the instructions!)

Maths Task

Here are two links to resources designed to bridge the gap between GCSE and A Level Maths.

Work through the videos and worksheets at this link. Solutions are also available:

Here is a link to a free mini-course for students to use for transition to A Level. It involves videos, skills checks etc. There is a video-guide to using the resources at the top of the page


Here you will find all of the suggested activities and links to the various resources we recommend before starting your A Level French course. You should keep a log of activities you have completed each week.

French Task 1 – Vocabulary

Revision and acquisition of ALL GCSE vocabulary: this is the springboard to success in Year 12 languages.

The comprehensive AQA lists are here, as well as in the GCSE vocabulary booklets you have taken home:

GCSE Vocabulary (PDF)

French Task 2

Revision of the following GCSE grammar structures:

  • Present Tense
  • Perfect Tense
  • Imperfect Tense
  • Future with aller and Future Simple
  • Conditional
  • Adjectives
  • Negatives

To support your grammar practice, please use the following websites:


BBC Bitesize:

French Task 3

Read, watch or listen to news articles on the following Year 12 topics:

  • Family – changing trends
  • Cyber-society
  • Social Issues and volunteering
  • French-language culture and heritage
  • French-language music
  • French-language cinema

Keep a log of the news you read – source – title (in French) – date of publication – short summary in French.

You can use the following links as a starting point to access news:

FRANCE 24  – For live TV (en direct) and the latest news articles and videos:

BFMTV – For live TV (en direct) and the latest news articles and videos:

FRANCE INFO TV – For live TV (en direct) and the latest news articles and videos:

UN JOUR UN ACTU – For French kids and foreign French learners :

French Task 4

Watch the film ‘Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles’ by Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

Make notes on the following:

  • Characters
  • Themes
  • Style


  1. Start with the Pick and Mix. Log what you have done on a weekly basis to show your teacher in September.
  2. Head Start:  more pick and mix activities. Log these too.
  3. GCSE vocabulary list: Make sure you are familiar with all of this vocabulary to smooth your transition to A level.
  4. Grammar revision: present, preterite, imperfect, perfect, simple future, immediate future, conditional tenses (regulars and common irregulars)

The bridging work for Photography can be found by following the links below:

Suggested Resources

Suggested Resources

Recommended books – and

Only buy these if you would like to – they are not a necessity. You can also get the eBook version and please look around to see if you can get them cheaper on eBay etc.

Recommended resources to help you complete the tasks below – and click on ‘topic exploration packs’

All of the PowerPoints on this page are good for revision – feel free to have a look through them all or save them if you would like to.

YouTube is a really good resource – you can always type in the topic area and ‘a level pe’ after so that it doesn’t overcomplicate things!

Task 1

Work through the ‘joints, movements and muscles’ PowerPoint (PE Topic 1). There are tasks on the PowerPoint for you to complete.

Task 2

Work through the ‘cardiovascular system’ PowerPoint (PE Topic 2). There are tasks on the PowerPoint for you to complete.

Task 3

Work through the ‘respiratory system’ PowerPoint (PE Topic 3). There are tasks on the PowerPoint for you to complete.

Task 4

Read through the ‘non-exam assessment’ specification on the OCR website. Find the sport you would like to be assessed in and read through the core and advanced skills. You can find the NEA specification here:

Task 5

Read through the A Level PE specification and make yourself familiar with topic areas we will be covering throughout the next two years. You can find the specification here:


Physics Task 1

Join the Seneca Class: 8ojkpfs9r8 and complete the activity assigned.

Physics Task 2

Complete the QEHS transition booklet:

Physics Task 3

Complete the AQA transition activity booklet:

Physics Task 4

Complete the Kerboodle transition booklet:

Physics Task 5

Complete the transition test and bring this in September:

Recommended Reading

CGP Headstart to A Level Physics (ISBN:1782942815) – work through the activities.

CGP Maths skills for A Level Physics (ISBN:1782944710) – work through the activities

Politics bridging work:

Over the summer ensure that you are keeping up to date with the latest political news; what is happening in the US election? Has Joe Biden continued as the Democratic presidential candidate? What have the priorities of the new Labour government been? What has happened during the Conservative leadership contest?

You can do this by listening to the podcasts Rest is Politics, Rest is Politics Leading, Rest is Politics US and reading a broadsheet newspaper or a good quality news website.

You could also analyse the results of the General Election using the BBC News website and think what it means for democracy in Britain. What was voter turnout like? Should First Past the Post continue as our electoral system? What does a large majority mean for Labour?

Enjoy the summer and getting up to speed with politics!

The bridging work for Psychology can be found in the document below:

The bridging work for Sociology can be found in the document below:

In September the first unit of study in Sport will be ‘Body Systems.’ This is assessed by an examination which you will sit in January.

In preparation for the unit, please focus on developing a bank of revision resources using the information below. This could be flash cards, mind maps, written notes, etc.

Sport Task 1

Muscles of the body

Major muscles:

Sport Task 2


Sport Task 3

Respiratory system

Sport Task 4

Cardiac system

Some tasks to help you prepare for LAMDA

Task 1

Go to the LAMDA website. This website is a good introduction to what people do for LAMDA – spend some time having a look around:

On the homepage, watch the video: My LAMDA | Students In Their Own Words. This will help you with what to expect and what you will gain from taking this qualification.

Task 2

Read the learners FAQs found here:

Task 3

Watch some Live Theatre (This is more relevant for the acting pathway, rather than communications but useful for both).

Observe the way the actors use their skills to engage an audience. What physical and vocal skills do they use? There are lots of performances happening throughout the summer holidays at a variety of theatres – from The Queen’s Hall in Hexham: to the Theatre Royal, Sunderland Empire or Tyneside Theatre in Newcastle.

There are also lots of Live theatre options available online –

Also, with streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, BroadwayHD, Disney+, HBO Max, and most recently Apple TV+, there is a wealth of theatrical resources available where you can find live recordings of original productions from Broadway and beyond.

Task 4

Use YouTube to look at monologues and public speeches. Search these up in the search menu, but here are some video links for inspiration:

