Welcome to QEHS rowing club

For many of our young people, joining the rowing club provides them with a passion and focus throughout their time at school. We provide opportunities for young people to learn and develop through actively engaging in a physical activity and seeing the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Many of our rowers continue to row at university and into their adult lives.

For many, rowing really does become a way of life.

We actively promote the following core values:


Respect: Integrity

Transparent, fair and direct in all our actions to each other.

Respect: Sporting Behaviour

Sportsworthy and exemplary behaviour to our opposition and officials at events.


Engage: Discipline

The approach and commitment to training and continuous improvement, by every athlete and all our crews in training and competitions on and off the water.

Engage: Teamwork

Pulling together as one in the pursuit of excellence.


Aspire: Excellence

The relentless pursuit of excellence, both on and off the water, by our athletes, coaches, coxes and volunteers.

Aspire: Loyalty

Commitment to the club and our crews underpins our pursuit of excellence. Together, we succeed.

Winter Club Rowing Times


Location: Tyne Green

Monday and Wednesday: 3.30pm – 6.00pm
Saturday and Sunday:  9.30am – 12.30pm

Events Calendar
Rowing Club News
Safety & Emergency Action Plan
Constitution & Rules
Rowing Opportunities

Contact Information for QEHS Rowing Club

For enquiries please a message to one of our club organisers: pgaines@hexhammiddle.org.ukor pwalton@qehs.net


Membership Information

QEHS rowing is an extra-curricular school-based rowing club run by teachers and coaches, supported by parent volunteers. The membership fee goes towards the running of the buildings, maintaining equipment and purchasing equipment for our members.

Membership: £360 per year or £30 per month. Includes 4 coached sessions per week.

Please be aware that there are additional costs to being a club member. Entry to events (seat fees), travel and accommodation expenses are not part of the monthly membership cost.


Standing Order

Please create a Standing Order for rowing membership. You can do this by downloading the form provided on this page.

  • Please complete the Standing Order Form and ensure your signature is clear with the full address of your branch.
  • Return the completed form FAO Debbie Graham, QEHS, Whetstone Bridge Road, Hexham, NE46 3JB.
  • The forms will be given a Reference No. by school and the original document sent directly to your bank to process the payment.
  • The bank will attach our Reference No. to your payment.
  • A photocopy of the form will be held in school for reference and as a record of your payment to the Rowing Club for audit purposes. 

Join Up!

If you would like to become a member, please complete the application form by clicking the Become a Member button below.

The Club will use this information to process your membership and to ensure you are kept informed about the activities of our club.

Before registering please read our Constitution and Rules

Become a Member

Parent Volunteers - Sign up Information, 2024-2025

For parents wishing to help, sign up for DBS, etc which they must have to help with the club.

1st Sign up Parents Evening 24th October. This will be open to all parents and the format will be as follows:-

    1.  Parents supply their full name, contact telephone number and email address (No later than Monday 21st October) – Gemma will sign them up to the online safeguarding portal.
    2.  Then on 24th October they will bring in all documentation for their DBS, which Gemma will check and send off.
    3.  Pamela then to sit with the parents in the computer suite whilst they complete the Safeguarding module (to save them doing at home when they have other demands on their time)
    4.  Any documentation required for Midas candidates will also be taken then.

2nd Sign up Parents Evening 12th November. This will be open to all parents and the format will be as follows:

    1.  Parents supply their full name, contact telephone number and email address (No later than Thursday 7th November) – Gemma will sign them up to the online safeguarding portal.
    2.  Then on 12th November they will bring in all documentation for their DBS, which Gemma will check and send off.
    3.  Pamela then to sit with the parents in the computer suite whilst they complete the Safeguarding module. (to save them doing at home when they have other demands on their time)
    4.  Any documentation required for Midas candidates will also be taken then.

Rowing Club Kit

Club Rowing Kit—Initially, a school PE kit is more than suitable for learning to row. It is recommended that rowers have school leggings and the school 1/4 zip to keep them warm for both land-based and river-based sessions. Once you are a club member, an order will be placed to purchase the club-specific kit.

A welcome pack will be sent to you once your application has been processed.

Members' Welcome Brochure