If students sat exams in Summer 2019, their exam certificates will be ready for collection from the Exams Office in the Hydro Building from November 2019 to July 2020. This office is open between 9.30am and 1.30pm, Monday to Friday.
We would prefer students to collect certificates before the end of April 2020. Any unclaimed certificates will eventually be returned to the exam board. Please be aware that exam boards will make a charge for each certificate to be re-issued.
We are unable to issue certificates to anyone other than the candidate without written permission. If students are unable to collect their own certificates, they must complete the form below and ensure the nominated person brings it with them, along with official identification. All visitors must sign in at Main Reception first.
If students have left school and are collecting their own certificates, they will also need to bring along official identification and sign in at Main Reception.
Please note that exam certificates are official documents that students will need in the future to support further/higher education applications or employment opportunities.