Exam Certificate Collection

We are giving students an opportunity to collect any outstanding exam certificates on Thursday 9 July 2020 (10am – 2pm) from the main school entrance. 

Please queue at the bottom of the steps and remember to maintain 2m social distancing at all times. 

You must bring ID with you. If someone else is collecting on your behalf, they must bring their own ID and an Alternative Collection of Certificate form from you, stating you have given the named person permission to collect your certificates. 

We have uncollected certificates dating back to academic year 2016–2017. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible, but please remember that we will be keeping any uncollected certificates safe until November 2021. After this date they will eventually be returned to the exam boards. Please be aware that exam boards will make a charge for replacing certificates (£45 each).

Please note that these are official documents that you will need in the future to support further/higher education applications or employment opportunities.