GCSE Results: Year 11 Students
- Full Information Letter from Miss Platts (PDF)
- GCSE results will be available for students to collect on Thursday 20 August 2020 from 9am.
- Students can collect their results from the Main Hall in the main school building from 9am until 12:20pm. Students should arrive at their allotted time (see table opposite), to the main entrance doors. We ask that only students come on to the school site during this time. We will operate a one-way system in school, and we ask that all students socially distance whilst on site. There will be staff available to support this on the day.
- There will be some students who will not be able to attend results day for a variety of reasons. Therefore, to alleviate any pressure to attend, we will be emailing results to each student’s email address at 9.15am on Thursday 20 August. In addition, any student who does not pick up their results will have their results slip sent in the post on Thursday.
- Progression into the Sixth Form/Other Destinations: The vast majority of students already have clear progression routes established, including into our Sixth Form where offers were confirmed in the Spring. For those who remain uncertain, help will be on hand on Thursday or you can contact curriculum@qehs.net for an appointment.