Fox and Hounds Theatre

We have had our first professional theatre performance in our very own QEHS Theatre – with the amazing Fox and Hound Theatre Company and their version of A Trio of Tennessee Williams which they took to the Queen’s Hall in Hexham. 

They came and performed one part of the Trip; 27 Wagon’s Full of Cotton, a powerful piece on the effects of abuse, to our new year 12 Drama students. This was then followed up with an engaging workshop session which helped students to develop their devising skills – a great start to their Drama A Level course! 

The set looked amazing in the theatre space with our fabulous lighting and we hope to have more professional productions in the theatre for our students to experience. Thanks to Jake for the technical support.  


Best wishes,  

Laura Pollock 

Curriculum Leader for Drama and Dance 

Queen Elizabeth High School and Hexham Middle School