Sixth Form Bulletin 24/01/20

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Year 13 Mock Exams

The exam timetable for the upcoming Year 13 Mock Exam Week has now been released; please see the Exam Arrangements page. The Mock Exam Week takes place w/c 24 February 2020. Individual timetables have been issued to students.

Accelerator Schools Autism Project

QEHS is pleased to be part of the second phase of the Accelerator Schools Autism Project provided by the NHS North of England Commissioning Support Unit. The purpose of the Project is to offer a range of activities in relation to improving knowledge and understanding of Schools, Parent Carers and Children/Young People about Autism and how young people with autism

Year 9 Ski Trip

New photos and videos added 20/01/20! Our Year 9 Ski Trip is currently enjoying the slopes at Serre Chevalier in the south of France. Mrs Bevan has sent through some photos of the group in their spectacular surroundings!

Sixth Form Bulletin 17/01/20

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Summer Exams 2020

The summer 2020 exam period will run from 11 May 2020 to 24 June 2020. Wednesday 24 June is a National Contingency Day allocated by all exam boards and JCQ. Candidates must ensure they remain available up to and including the 24th in case any exam has to be rescheduled. The summer exam timetable can be found on our Exam

Year 11 Mock Exam Timetable

The exam timetable for the upcoming Year 11 Mock Exam Week has now been released; please see the Exam Arrangements page. The Mock Exam Week (the second of two) will take place Friday 7 February – Thursday 13 February 2020. Individual timetables will be issued to students.

Sixth Form Bulletin 10/01/20

The Sixth Form Bulletin contains notices for Sixth Form students and information on university and college events, enrichment opportunities, and apprenticeships and employment vacancies. The latest edition is out now on the Sixth Form Bulletin page.

Rowing Club

There was an incident on the River Tyne on Monday involving some Year 9 rowers. The students got into difficulty and were rescued by the emergency services. The students are all fine, and our coaches acted quickly and clearly to ensure the students’ safety was maintained. We would like to thank all the emergency services involved for their prompt and